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#8 Final thoughts

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  1. I appreciate these videos, especially writing in the journal, it is an important tool. Through our writing in it, makes our reflection meaninful and helpful to make positive changes in our planning and teaching process to have students leaving their shyness out and participating more in class.

    1. Thanks for this material I really appreciate all of videos in which I could find so interesting activities such as triangle to plan and the journal which help us to reflect on teaching process and the students achievement

    2. Thank you very much for this material. It is very important to have more opportunite of participate these videos. So I like journal because know the students some problems in class and can motivate with more practice, vocabulary.

    3. Many thanks for you both , I learnt a lot of from your experiences , the course was really interesting and meaningful .

    4. Gracias por darnos la oportunidad de prepararnos mejor,para mejorar el desarrollo de proceso de enseñanza de aprendizaje en las aulas de clases,

  2. Congratulations. These videos are very interesting and they will help us to improve our teaching process. BLESSINGS.

  3. Thanks a lot for this opportunity to reflect about our teaching way and improve our skills, all the material was really helpful.

  4. Thanks so much Adeline and Justin for your great and interesting course because it helped to improve my teaching process and I could learn some useful tools and techniques that will help me as an English teacher besides it carried to reflect about things meaningful for us for to make positive changes in our planning and teaching learning process.

  5. Thanks for these activities! I think that can really help plan and reflect effectively so that we can provide our students with the very best quality of teaching.

  6. Thank you very much, this course has been very useful for me, I learned to reflect on the different specific moments. I also learned to reflect on the way of teaching and help improve my teaching process.

  7. Eufemia BarrionuevoApril 1, 2020 at 11:57 PM

    Muchas gracias, por este curso que e recibido a sido una experiencia muy especial para mejorar el interaprendizaje.
    Felicitaciones y sigan adelante con aporte a los docentes

  8. Thank you very much, this course has been very useful for me, I learned to reflect on the different specific moments. I also learned to reflect on the way of teaching and help improve my teaching process.

  9. Thank so much. I was very grateful with you, because I knew how improve another ways to teach.

  10. Thank you , your videos are very interesting to improve my english and hope you continue with your classes.

  11. Thanks a lot, this information was really usefull and I'm use my teaching develop will be better with this kind of techniques you share with us.

  12. Thank you for yor time and sharing your knowledge. I hope to join another on-line workshop.
    Best regards :)

  13. All your videos were useful and I want to add some aspects to my English classes. Thanks!!!

  14. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us, these surely will increase our teaching skills in benefit of the learners.

  15. Thank you so much for sharing with us, i´t was a wonderful experience and this training was very useful for me in order to improve my english teaching strategies. Thanks a lot Adeline and Justin. I had the pleasure to meet him last year in Pasaje- El Oro.

  16. Thank you so much for doing this kind of course. I hope you can continue promoting courses like this in order to help teachers improving their skills. I got some new ideas from this experience to put in practice with my students.

  17. Mil gracias por el apoyo brindado a traves de éste webinar a los docentes de Imglés

  18. Thanks a lot for creating and sharing your workshop in an online version. It was a great experience !

  19. Thank you so much I consider those videos are very useful to learn new things and reflect about our errors when teaching.

  20. Eliana QuilambaquiApril 2, 2020 at 5:45 PM

    Muchas gracias, excelente curso!. Vídeos prácticos y sencillos para mejorar la enseñanza en el aula clase.

  21. Thanks a lot, your videos are very interesting for me in order to improve my english teaching strategies

  22. These videos are great and they will help us to improve our teaching process. Thank you for your time. Congratulations
    God bless you

  23. Thank you so much I consider those videos are very useful to learn new things and reflect about our errors when teaching. I hope to have more workshop online.

  24. Thank you to share this experience with us. I am very happy to participate in this workshop.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Thank you so much, these videos were interesting. It helps us to improve our teaching in the classroom.



  28. Thank you so much. All the videos were very interesting. I learned very useful things


  30. its very interesting. We need more seminary to this.

  31. First of all I'd like to thank you Adeline and Justin for this opportunity to reflect about our teaching way and improve our skills, all these videos were really helpful for us. God bless you!!

  32. Congratulations for imparting these videos that are of great help to improve our teaching, it is important that they continue to teach more seminary it would serve us well

  33. Thank you so much and congratulations!!!!!!. They were very interesting and useful. I really want to aply in my class.

  34. Thank you so much for you time and for doing this kind of workshops, I really learnt many things from it. Please go on doing this kind of workshops so that we can improve our teaching.

  35. Thank you all of you for used your time to make as reflect an learning some practical guidelines to improve our teaching. Good bless you.

  36. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Being at home learning with you make me feel good and forgive for a moment what is happening in our country.

  37. I really liked this short workshop online, it has useful things, specially the most I liked was the planning triangle. Thank you very much.

  38. I found it interesting.. Thank you

  39. Thanks for this course , it was very useful and interesting for me. Also I learned what is reflect and how to use it in specific moments, and I will use reflect in order to improve my teaching process with my students in the class .

  40. Thank you very much for sharing with us a simple, organized and useful information of class-planning.
    Confucious once said: "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may not remember; involve me and I will understand" ( That was the quote of the first page of one of my Thesis Work)
    Everything that is experienced, that has feelings in it is learnable.

  41. Thanks for everything. It was a great experience.

  42. Thanks so much for your great and interesting course because it will help me with tools and techniques to use with my students in class and improve my planning and teaching process.

  43. I am writing to express my thanks for this kind of conferences that of course helpe us to develop and improve our skills. The task were fun. I liked the piramid, the journal, and the calls to colleagues to talk about some experiences.

  44. By the way. At the beginning of this seminar you said we could get a certificate, couldn't we? I am interested in the certificate.
    Thank you very much

  45. Thanks, your videos are very interesting to better prepare the classes and reach the students in a better way, keep making more videos

  46. Thanks a lot, Excellent information. I love it. Please, try to do it more workshops. English is not so important for government so we need to prepare by ourselves. As a teacher, I want to do a lot of things for my students and my career. God bless you..

  47. Thank you! It was meaningful.

  48. HILDA BEDÓN TELLOApril 3, 2020 at 9:34 PM

    All the sections are very useful to improve our teaching methodologies. We could do a reflection about our way of teaching and we learn new strategies to apply in our classes in order to teach students to produce Engish, THANKS A LOT

  49. Thank you for these video, the workshop was very usefull to be applied in class

  50. I am grateful to you Adeline and Justin you are the best Instructors please just continue to impact this teaching world, as you always do with patience. Thanks a lot for teaching me in TESOL course.

  51. Gracias por estas grandes experiencias!

  52. I am infinitely grateful to those who took the course since it contains videos with main and important topics that we must apply to improve our teaching-learning process.

  53. Thank so much This video was very useful for us to continue and do that the best way and to practice with our students during the class. Furthermore wath video was clear and accurate how to get learning in them. We always need some advice to practice with our students so this way we will improve learning in student.

  54. Thanks, Adeline and Justin to share their knowdges with us because they will help us to improve our teaching process. It is great for me!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Thanks Adelyne, all this information is very useful for us to continue and do our work with our students in the best way during the class, the information given through these videos is clear and very helpful to continue working with our very valuable students, their advice which will serve us to practice with our students and in this way improve the teaching - learning of our students.
    Greetings from Quinindé. Thank you María Elena.

  58. Thanks for sharing your workshop. I like the pyramid, I think it is useful to get our students involved in the daily activities and improve my teaching

  59. It was a great time and share someting about my teaching ,talking about triangle planning ,refletion I want to do my best when I teach little by little.

  60. I am so grateful about your videos. It totally agree with both of you when tou say that Public Ecuadorian Education is changing step by step. I hope somedays we can have a real Education based on our reality. Thank you so much.

  61. Thanks for this material. I really aprreciate your generosity in this difficult time. I could find interesting activities such as triangle to plan and the journal. Please, do more workshop for all teachers, not just public.
    All teachers need to innovate and to update our knowledge.

  62. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us, ecuadorian English teachers. All the information you shared is useful for me. I will apply these tips in my daily teaching process.

  63. Congratulations Justin and Adeline! It was a great course. I really like it! Way to go! Thank you for being concern about English teachers in Ecuador. You are always looking for ways to improve our teaching practice.

  64. Congratulations and God bless you for sharing the best moments with us and we have learn new ideas. God bless all. thanks

  65. Thanks for all the tools you've given us, our classes will be different, God bless you and keep teaching to learners!

  66. Thank you Teacher Adeline and Justin you are doing a very good job to motivate teachers of Ecuador to improve our teaching strategies.
    I liked these videos since they are describing the complete process to have a good class, Planning , reflecting are the most important I think because if we plan correctly, we can manage the activities successfully, and Reflecting allows us to realize if we did or not according to what we planed.
    Thank you again and I hope to participate in more webinar.

  67. I really appreciate your collaboration with Ecuadorian English Teachers. Thanks and God bless you. I hope to participate in other workshop

  68. Thank you for giving this type of workshop to us, who with your knowledge have helped us improve the way we teach the students under our responsibility through very important tools that I have observed and heard in these videos.

  69. THANKS very important these videos because I could find interesting activities that they will help to improve our teaching process.

  70. Thank you for sharing your videos with the English teachers. I appreciate how you motivated the teachers and teach new manners in order to improve our teaching process.
    It helped me to analyze that some of us continue with the traditional education and our students are interested in learning the second language.

  71. Thank you for sharing your videos . They really helped me to improve my teaching practice. Thank you so much. Continue doing it.

  72. I appreciate your time to explain the use of materials in a better way to get succesful students. Thanks so much.

  73. Thanks Adeline and Justin. This was an excellent idea and course to give us the opportunity to learn on line from our homes.

  74. Thanks, your videos are very interesting for me to better prepare the classes and reach the students in a better way, if it is possible, keep making more videos.

  75. these videos have been very interesting for the process of teaching learning in the subject of English blessings always

  76. This videos were helpful and interesting i hope there will be other learn and know new experiences...thank you

  77. Thanks a lot for your support! I strongly agree this course will be very helpful for our teaching practice.

  78. Thank you so much. It was a great and interesting experience. It's gonna be useful for us.

  79. This course was really helpful for me and gave me tips for planning and what I can apply in class. it is very new and the videos very explicit and detailed thank you .....

  80. Thank a lot for this opportunity all the videos increase our knowledge in this language.

  81. Congratulations Adeline and Justin. It was a good experience for planning my classes. These videos were very interesting to my learning-teaching.

  82. Thank you, Justin and Adeline, you always trying to looking for new ways to catch up according to the situation, in this case, the necessity to stay home but at the same time continue with the learning.

  83. I really appreciate to let us professors to improve our teaching practice in the classroom with the students.
    The information is so interesting it lets me to learn how to plan a lesson using the triangle. I will put in practice in the classroom.

  84. I thank you very much for this visual material as it will contribute significantly to the teaching process for our students

  85. Thank you very much for this online workshop. I really enjoyed it. All your teaching will be very useful for the starting in the school year in the Coast region. You made me change the perspective I had to perform a class. Now I think I feel better prepared to reflect on my performing with every one of my students. I hope you continue with this kind of courses in the future which help us as teachers to be updated to work with our pupils.

  86. Thans for the information about this interesnting course.

  87. Many thanks for your workshop. There were excellent and proffesinal videos. I'm sure tha help me in teaching learnig proccess. This is a new way to practice English staying at home.

  88. Thanks, Adeline and Justin to share their knowledge, excellent information. Please, try to do it more workshops. English is not so important for government so we need to prepare by ourselves. As a teacher, I want to do a lot of things for my students and for me. God bless you..

  89. Thank you a lot for sharing! It was a great experience

  90. I would like to refer to what Justin mentioned about changes in education in Ecuador. He added that we have to do little by little. At this point I would like to thank Justin and Adeline for doing small but relevant training projects to contribute to improve English learning. I can see that planning and reflecting are important tools for teachers' efficacy. If we do it continoustly, we will gain experence and save time.

  91. Hi, I have enjoyed these videos with great pleasure, and yes I absolutely agree about taking baby steps. I know I have A LOT.... A LOT.... to learn. Very useful videos and strategies. I am eager to use them in my next exprecience as an online -teacher. Bye and best regards

  92. Thanks for this tools you shared. They are easy, practical and useful that we can use them. I really appreciate your concern and helping teachers improve our teaching strategies.

  93. Laura Tapia. Thanks for this opportunity. It was a great workshop and sharing your knowledges. I will apply your suggestions in my class. Congratulations for improve English teaching. God bless you.

  94. Thank you so much for this program was fruitfull and I can improve my knowledges .

  95. Thanks. IT was a great Workshop.

  96. Thanks for this material I appreciate all videos all are interesting but I liked the activities
    The Triangle to Plan and the Journal are very interesting and will help me to improve
    my technique process for the teaching English-

  97. Very good!! i hope this will be the first of much other opportunities. Thanks for all interesting videos. Congratulation..

  98. Hi. Thanks for share the knowledge.

  99. Thank to share your knowledge with us, I going to practice in my classes the triangle learning tool.

  100. Thank you for the presentations they were relly helpful. I learnt a lot, and I am going to apply them when I will go back to school.

  101. Thanks dear Adeline and Justin for your time and knowledge. It was a very different experience. This virtual course has made me to realize different points of views about education and learners and to start rebuilding. Blessings!!

  102. Congratulations. thanks for these videos, this course has been very useful for me. I learned new things and reffect about our errors when teaching. Thank you.

  103. Dear instructors,

    I am so glad for having the opportunity to participate on these workshops. I found very dinamic and interesting the way how you boarded each topic and gave us the needed tips to improve our teaching skills. Thanks a lot for sharing the information with us.

    Best regards,
    Saula A. Ordóñez Avila

  104. I appreciate all the information this will be very useful for me class and for my students

  105. muchas gracias por las actividades . en realidad toda ayuda es util muchas gracias

  106. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, it is important for us to watch vídeos and learn more.
    Thanks for taking your time, the vídeos are very useful for my clases here in the Coast.

  107. Thanks for share useful information in order to obtain better results in our classes and the most important, motivated students to learn a foreign language. It's our challenge.

  108. Thanks for sharing us your knowledge, they help us to improve our classes and make them best

  109. Gracias a todos. Por compartir esta informacio que ha sido muy util para mi.

  110. I enjoyed this on line seminar. I have learned how to reflect and share my thoughts with my colleagues. It was very useful to post and read other teachers concerns about our teaching practice in Ecuador. Now I feel that I am not alone in my work. I thank you for your support and useful ideas..

  111. In fact I am very grateful with this workshop. I was very rewarding, Let’s hope we have more of these. Also I congratulate to the organizers of this resource. Thanks

  112. It was a wonderful experience, thank you very much for this course where I have followed the videos step by step, it has helped me a lot to improve my learning in the area of English and practice with my students.

  113. I really appreciate all the information that you share with us. I am sure that it will help me with my students and I love to learn new things
    Good job guys
    Millions of blessings .

  114. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. We as teachers have to learn constantly. And it was such a nice opportunity for doing.

  115. Dear all,
    Thank you so much for sharing with us a valuable, organized and interesting information.
    - Miryam V. Ordóñez

  116. I really enjoyed all videos and above all today's Demo Class, because I have learned a lot and all that will be very useful for me and my classes. I am looking forward to joining soon to another Demo Class. Kind regards.

  117. Thanks a lot Adeline and Justin for your excellent and interesting workshop because it help me to improve my skills y techniques as a english teacher .It carried to reflect about things meaningful for us for to make positive changes in our planning and teaching learning process.

  118. Thanks a lot for creating and share your knoledge on line. I was interesting for me

  119. Thank you so much for this usefuful and interesting workshop. it really helps me to understand what does reflecting means . thanks again

  120. This online course helped me to verify that most of the time I am doing well. However, I know that a change in some aspects is refreshing. It was a pleasure.

  121. Thank you these are good tools how to improve myself

  122. Great....the videos help us to improve our methodology for the classes. Thanks

  123. Congratulations for this online course. I hope you continue with this Kind of resources! Thanks a lot

  124. Thank so much, it was really useful. I found the planning triangle very interesting and easy to follow. Hope to learn more from your experience and knowledge.

  125. Wow! That was an amazing workshop! I've never participated in a workshop before. But going through this course has made me really want to participate in a live workshop someday.
    I think that the most significant thing I've taken away from this workshop is the reflecting process. Just slowing down and reflecting on events can be applied to more than just teaching. It's a lifestyle. And I'm excited about trying it out. Thank you guys so much for your workshop. It was very helpful to me.

  126. Thanks for sharing your workshop. I really like the triangle planning. Im sure it is going to be useful in my classes.

  127. All English Teaching is welcome for Ecuadorian Teachers. We must be each to improve the level of English and sharing the knowledge for the students.

  128. Thank you very much for sharing these teaching techniques with us, I liked the triangle technique, this really interesting, Thanks sharing your knowledge, It was a nice experience.

  129. Thank you so much for taking your time to teach us to improve our teaching estrategies, I really appreciate it.

  130. Thank you for sharing very useful information. Your knowledge helps Us to improve our techniques and ways to teach. This was a very nice experience. I hope to join another (online) course

  131. I really apreciate this interesting material, I promise I will implement it as much as possible, so thanks very much for sharing it with us. i hope to joinning you in your impending scheduled programs. God bless you.


  133. Congratulation I really like the way how you are giving us tools from the tool boxing. I promise to perfomance the concepts and apply on my students every day class. Thanks.

  134. I really liked it and the most important thing is to learn new things. Excellent. Thanks a lot

  135. Congratulations dear Adeline and Justin, thanks for your time and knowledge, appreciate your works, all videos are interesting and I 'm sure they will help me improve my process for the teaching English.

  136. Good afternoon, all videos proposed by us have been very useful for me. I want to thank you for developing these videos which let me learn some details such as planning, reflections activities, and the most important know what teach considering the current educative context ... Thank so much. Keep with the videos for fostering the teaching of EFL...

  137. Thank you to share your knowledge with us. It was very interesting, and I learnt new things. Thank you so much

  138. Thank you very much Adeline and Justin for sharing with us your knowledge through this workshop. It was really interesting and useful for all of us because we put in practice our knowledge. The videos and ctivities like writing a journal or talking with our friend and share aour experiences like teachers were amazing. I hope to have the opportunity to continue learning with this kind of activity and with teachers like you Adeline and Justin.

  139. Thanks for sharing your experiences. The videos were very good because I learned new strategies.

  140. Thanks for doing this videos , those really work. I love the triangle system to teach. It starts from the most basic step by step till to add more complicated things to teach students. Reflection works if we keep tracking of what we are doing, this strategy will improve activities if we find it doesn't work.

  141. thanks for this material is very interesting and necesary for can introduce in our teach. This videos are amazing because We Known an system to teach wint our students . thanks again

  142. Gracias por su enseñanza ayudará estas metodologías a mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes.

  143. Thanks a lot for spending time with us teaching many interesting things, when we return to classes I want to use all things that I learnt in this course with my students so that they feel motivate to learn a new language

  144. This course is great in the fact that you are able to work at your own pace. You have to be a very disciplined and organized person to be successful in this course. If you can put yourself on a strict schedule, you can be very successful. Thanks and go ahead!

  145. As the time is changing, the education is also changing with new callenges that as Teachers we must be updated all of the time, and being responsable for the education of new generations. Thanks indeed for this support and training online that give us new and fresh ideas to improbe our classes.

  146. Congratulations Adeline and Justin.
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge excellent information. I like these videos very important and interesting for aplicate with our students. It is very neccesary to do changes in the classes that will be creatives. To reflect and to make activities that all participate and to motivate to learning more using the diferents skills.

  147. Thanks for share this workshop that we help us to improve more knowledge with the students ,this experience was great!.. and specially some activities about triangle, to reflect with the methodology that we have in Ecuador.

  148. Oh thank you very much Justin and Adeline, it was a short course but super useful, it really hooked me up. I appreciate all the time I spend watching your videos and doing the tasks. God bless you two.

  149. Hello Justin and Adeline it was really nice to see you in these videos. I really appreciate what you do for Ecuadorian english teachers. We need people like you who motivate teachers to continue with our profession by giving advices and strategies about how to teach and even more now that we are facing this terrible situation. I hope to take more courses with you. I REALLY ENJOYED THIS EXPERIENCE!

  150. Thanks a lot for this opportunity to participate in this course, this hep me to improve my teaching process.

  151. Thanks very much for you this videos are really interest it has information essentials for me I was fun to realize and learn each activity I'll hope see you soon in other courses blessings

  152. I really appreciate that you gave us time to share your ideas and how to improve in our class. Thank you so much for everything Justin and Adeline I 'll hope to see soon in other courses

  153. Really, my sincere gratitude for you!. It has been a lot of beneficial for me, I not only acquire important knowledge related with education but also I could realiza about my role as teacher!. I apreciate a lot your advices!!

  154. Congratulations. For the knowledge that you shared they are really interesting and useful it will help us to improve our teaching process. BLESSINGS.

  155. I thank you a lot, this worshop has been super interesting, I really liked the way you carried out the expalnations video by video. I was easy to understand cause you were emphatic and clear in teaching.


  156. Thank you for your valuable contribution for the benefit of English teachers. All of these videos have been very instructive since writing journals . It makes me to reflect in positive changes in my professional life.The triangle which lets us to plan in a better way in order to reach our goals during planning lesson.As teacher is our responsibility to take advantage of all of these tools to improve our teaching methods.

  157. It was a useful and interesting workshop. The triangle strategy can help us so much in a hurry. I really like and appreciate your efford helping teachers to improve and become better. Thank you so much!

  158. My sincere thanks to Adeline and Justin for shared their knowledge through these videos and activities that personally help me to improve as a teacher in the English teaching¡¡¡¡ I would like to learn much more from you since as teachers we need to always be updated and learn new methods and strategies that help students understand the importance of the English language since it has become a global language so it will help students to communicate with different cultures, make progress in their lives and in their professional careers. I hope to see you soon¡¡¡

  159. Thank you. The themes are very close to our daily practice. The audiovisual materials and the interaction with other teachers allowed me to think in new alternatives to improve my performance in the classroom.

  160. Thank you very much Adeline and Justin for this nice material about planning and reflecting. Videos you've presented are very useful for our daily teaching, dealing with our Ss. So thank again and I hope you upload more videos. See you :)

  161. Thanks for give English teachers the opportunity to learn new things that we can apply with our students. I consider that the videos are so interesting and the journal is an excellent way to improve our students skills.

  162. I would like to thanks a lot for share these videos. They were very useful, because we as a teachers move beyond the traditional teaching and we had the opportunity to realize how can we improve our strategies during the teaching-learning process.

  163. Thanks so much for everything. I want to continue watching more videos of you. Thanks for sharing your high knowledge with us. All these videos are really interesting and useful to improve the teaching and learning with our students.

  164. English is very important for our life.
    I have to learn english little little.
    Thank you for your video class.

  165. Thank you very much Adeline and Justin you are excellent trainers and are motivating teachers of Ecuador to improve our teaching process.
    For me this material "Before and After" describes the complete process to have a significant class, Planning using the triangle and Reflecting. Planning using activities from the controlled ones until the free and independent where the real actors are the students since they are who have to practice and use the new language. On the other hand, reflection allows us to realize if we did better, worse or happened something unexpected in the lesson in order to improve with new strategies or action plans in the future.

  166. Luis Parrales.
    Thanks in advance for your support.
    I really appreciate want you did.
    English teaching is changing every single day in our country so that is why those worshops are really helpful for everybody .
    Cuddles and bubbles.
    See you next time.
    Don't forget to keep in with................

  167. I really aprecciate this way because IT help us a lot thaks so mucho for your time Blessings

  168. Thank you very much Adeline and Justin. Thanks to you for supporting Ecuadorian teachers who, if we want to improve ourselves to improve with our knowledge and to be able to teach students since they are the future of our country, I am sure that tomorrow they will have no problem communicating because a person who knows two languages is worth two.
    Kind regards, God bless forever!

  169. Hello, my name is Maria Jiménez, this course was very significant for me, thank you very much Adeline and Justin for giving me the opportunity to be part of your group and acquire new knowledge and improve teaching in my daily work. Best regards and many blessings!

  170. Thank you so much to Adeline AND Justin for your knowledge throught all this course for me has been the richest experience.

  171. Thanks for sharing the videos with us, it was very helpful, especially the triangle technique to improve our classes.

  172. Thank you for your guidelines whuch gave the beggining tools to be teachers, write a good goal fir the lesson, t think in practice and practice the English language will be the best option as teachers. And finally making for me a dairy, how to handle the what, so what, now what, try something better in advance. Thanks.

  173. I wang to thank you for supporting the training of English teachers, thank you for this fantastic planning tool, very eager to acquire more knowledge and get better experiences in our classrooms

  174. I am thankful for having share this great webinar with you. I have learnt so mucho from all of you. I finished !!!

  175. Thanks Adeline and Justin for share knowledge througth the videos. Very important to teach in class, the triangle in the planning of a lesson, the journal with the questions, what?, so what and now what?, I consider that are essential in the learning process.
    An experience more in my Knowledge. Thanks. God bless you.

  176. I am grateful with the workshop you are excellent trainers. I hope you continue share your knowledge. God bless you

  177. Thanks for share you knowledge with the whole teachers community. It is important to support each other and get the best strategies and methods to teach our students. I'm grateful with all teachers who share their knowledge.

  178. Thank you so much too. All the videos were very interesting and useful. I will apply some of the and try my best in the teaching process. Good bye.

  179. Interesting informativo It was interesting

  180. I really appreciate your workshops were useful and gave me some ideas to improve my teaching. I would like to participate in the future events. Thanks and congratulations for this enriching time.

  181. Hi everyone!
    This is Nataly Iza, I am from Ambato and I teach children from elemetary. It is a pleasure for me to join to this workshop.


  183. I really appreciate Adeline and Justin for all of the support that you gave us to improve our teaching, I am going to apply all about what I learned with you. Also, many thanks to all of the staff that is part of EIL Ecuador and the US Embassy for this great opportunity.

  184. Hi..... thank you very much for share us your knowledge... It help us a lot.... also today we had the chance to practice with you and it was very useful.... I appreciated it.... :)

  185. Thanks so much for the interesting course because it helped to improve my teaching process.

  186. Dear all,

    It was a real pleasure to have participated in this course. I have learned several new ideas and I have also remembered some that I learned a while ago and that can be beneficial for our daily professional practices.
    I hope to participate in seminars like this in the future.
    I thank the presenters for their teachings and above all for the preparation time they invested.

    Kind regards,
    Liliana del Cisne Ordóñez Avila

  187. I do agree with you Ruben. And I want to tell Adeline and Justin that you are excellent professionals at teaching, If you want to change the education little by little, I can tell you you are doing very big steps. Yoe are motivating a lot to most Ecuadorian teachers to be better. Thanks for your time andthanks for looking for other institutions that are supporting your project like USA Embassy in Ecuador , SIT graduate Institute and EIL Ecuador. Congratulations you are doing excellent trainings.

  188. I really liked all videos published here. They are very useful for can apply with our students in class and improve the strategies for teaching. Congratulations to the organizers. Go head. We will waiting for more.

  189. Thanks Justin and Adeline for sharing your knowledge with us.
    I really enjoyed these videos and I couldn`t stop watching and completing the activities. It is because your videos are very practical and are focused on what teachers live every day. In short, while I was reflecting about the applied strategies in my class, I realized that I am in the right way which is good. Keep working on it.

    Best wishes,

    Micaela Lupercio

  190. Thanks Justin and Adeline.
    Thanks for share your knowledge to us. We are motivated with all sharing topics
    Take care
    Bye bye

  191. I appreciate your help, nice presenters. Congrats!

  192. Thank you for your activities. I have finished all the tasks.

  193. The activity that encourages teacher to reflect on his or her teaching practice is the most useful way to see how lessons are being benefitial for students. I started practicing this technique to get to reach the objectives I plan for my lesson.

  194. Congratulations Adeline and Justin. Thank you for enabling us with new learning processes along with the transmission of knowledge and giving us the opportunity to prepare ourselves to improve the development of the teaching-learning process within the classroom.

  195. CONGRATULATION I appreciate all videos,these videos contain very important activities which will help and support us to improve teaching .the theme the triangle was fantastic .....I learn a lot of.


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