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#5 Let's plan


AFTER YOU WATCH, DO THIS TASK: At the end of this video, we asked you to try using the triangle to plan a lesson, by choosing a series of student practice activities.

AFTER YOU DO THE TASK, WRITE A COMMENT ⇩: Share your lesson objective and the sequence of activities you selected.

For example:

Para el término de la lección, los estudiantes serán capaces de usar el vocabulario "cousin, daughter, husband," etc. para describir sus familias en una conversación en grupo pequeño.
-Quizzing in pairs ("How do you say tía?")
-Describir la familia de Bart Simpson (doy un arbol geneológico)
-Describir tu familiar para que un compañero dibuje tu arbol geneológico
-Conversar en grupos pequeños de sus familias

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  1. By the end of the lesson students are able to use vocabulary about fashion and clothes.
    The activities are:
    - Describe what you prefer to wear.....
    - Describe when is it mandatory to wear uniform....
    - Dialogue with classmates to learn about their likes and dislikes in fashion.....
    - Give examples of cheap and expensive stores..........

    1. At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe their favorite food and also to make a short talk about their likes and dislikes then students will be able to make recipes about their favorite food

    2. Objective : At the end of the lessons students will handle pronunciation and writing of verbs in past tense.

      1.Present to the class some slides with verbs in past tense and ask for the meaning.
      2. Use the verbs in real sentences ( invention in the past)

      Group activities :

      1. Organize the groups and share a picture of an invention in the past .
      2. Write a sentence with the invention
      a. Name if inventor
      b. type of invention
      c. Place of development the invention
      d. Year of invention
      3.Finally , spoken task , present the invention to the rest .

    3. This a good way to learn an teach

  2. By the end of the class students of 8th grade will be able to ask and answer in oral way 5 basic questions about personal information.
    -Students in groups unscramble questions and answers.
    -On the board teacher will write students answers, and correct mistakes in general. Teacher will practice pronunciation.
    -Teacher will give a small sheet of paper with the 5 questions and students should move around the class asking those 5 questions to their classmates.

    1. At the end of the lesson students of 7th grade be able to correctly order the months of the year. -be able to identify events with the year. -be able to fill in missing months.


  3. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary related to fruits in order to explain the use of them in a basic recipe.
    how do you say "fresa"
    Show charts to students in order to they recognice and named the fruits.
    Describe the steps and quantities to prepare a salad fruit.

  4. My last vacation
    + Irregular verbs
    + make a list of the verbs you can use to describe a vacation
    * write ideas of interesting places to visit
    * write sentences describing your last vacation

  5. Eufemia BarrionuevoApril 1, 2020 at 8:05 PM

    Al final de la clase los estudiantes seran capaces de realizar un vocabulario sobre vegetales , granos, frutas, aceites, lácteos, tipos de carnes
    El docente debería entregar una hoja impresa con un triángulo para que el estudiante vaya formando una pirámide de los diferentes productos con su respectivo nombre

  6. I' so sorry. I am doing the task exactly after I finshed to watche the video. And in the video #4 I did the task that you are asking here.
    Daily routines
    At the end of this class students will be able to say daily activities from the beginning in the mornings.
    They are going to:...
    - In pairs say the routines taking turns one by one.
    - In groups say one routine each one without mistakes.
    - In pairs make mimic and discover what is the routine.
    - In groups make a conversation about what is first , second.... daily routine.

  7. At the end of the lesson, students could be able to talk about food
    * Match the pictures with the words
    * Classify words according to categories to remember vocabulary
    *Complete the sentences with food words
    *Talk about their likes for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner

  8. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the vocabulary "hi, hello, Good morning, Good night. For Greetings
    • Identify the words use with Friends and non Friends people in Greetings
    • Match pictures with words in order to notice a formal or informal Greetings
    • Make a formal or informal conversation in a role play

  9. at the beginning I will give them pictures related with inventions
    Warm up ( who Knows knows) Who invented the light bulb?
    Quizzing each other
    Partner interview
    Information gap
    Ask and answer about inventors and their inventions.
    General objective : at the end of the lesson the students will be able to talk about some inventors and inventions

  10. By the end of the class students will be able to describe jungle animals using adjectives and colors.

    Note: students already know the colors. They also know quite a few adjectives. The jungle animals are new.


    - Start off with an icebreaker that reviews and reinforces the adjectives and colors (ie. Show images and ask questions like "Is he happy or sad?" "What color is his shirt," etc)
    -Give students a worksheet with a jungle scence. This worksheet should be in color and it should contain questions that identify the animals (ie. "Is the orange and black tiger happy or sad?")
    -Conduct a listening activity in which students identify the vocabulary (jungle animals) articulated.
    -Students will practice articulating small phrases that have to do with jungle animals in a skill integrated activity (meaning they will combine mastered skills and new skills).

  11. At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to talk about future profesional plans.
    Talk about some imagens related to professions.
    Graphics organizer about them and possibles advantages and disadvantages.
    Role play.

  12. By the end of the lesson students are able to use vocabulary about fashion and clothes.
    The activities are:
    - Describe what you prefer to wear.....
    - Describe when is it mandatory to wear uniform....
    - Dialogue with classmates to learn about their likes and dislikes in fashion.....
    - Give examples of cheap and expensive stores..........
    - Write a short conversation about clothes and fashion. Work in pairs

  13. By the end of the class students of 8th grade will be able to ask and answer in oral way 5 basic questions about personal information.
    Describe the members of their family, clothes, describe jungle animals using adjectives and colors.

  14. By the end of the lesson students will be able to pronounce correctly and identify the object of classroom.
    The activities.
    Identify about the objects of class.
    Draw their objects personal that its usefull for their.
    Teacher will give a peace of paper and they will write the name of the object.

  15. Al final de la clase los estudiantes serán capaces de reconocer los pronombres y participar en forma personal

  16. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary about NATURAL DISASTERS:
    The activities are:
    * Match the words with the correct pictures.
    * Put the letters in the correct order to make words.
    * Label the picures with the correct words.
    * Listen, check, and repeat.
    * Match the news reports with disasters.
    * Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.

  17. Hi,
    By the end of the lesson students will be able to use clothes vocabulary (hat, pants, gloves, etc.)
    - Ask them to bring some clothes to use them in the class as Realia.
    - Ask them to wear the clothes that they bring and describe each other (in groups).
    - Give them some work sheets by using pictures to remember the new vocabulary.
    - Play hangman in a piece of paper (in pairs).
    - Show them images in the projector and ask them to write a couple of examples.
    - As homework, send them a little story related to clothes vocabulary and answer questions.

  18. By the end of the lesson students are able to use vocabulary about places in the city to describe their hometown in small groups.
    -Matching answers ("When can you... buy groceries/get cash/watch a movie/etc.?")
    -Show a picture and identify the places portrayed on it.
    -Pairwork: Describe your hometown and ask your partner to make a picture of your description.
    -Roundtable Activity: Share and compare with your classmates the places in your hometown.

  19. Hi, the objective will be learn a new vocabulary how they feel (happy sad, in love, thirsty, hungry, angry,).

    - ask to te student what vocabulary they recognize
    - show images in the in focus
    - listen speak and memorize
    - write fifteen words related about the objective

  20. At the end of the lesson they are going to be able to talk about future plans.
    * show pictures about vacation plans
    * describe the pictures
    * use them in future sentences
    * write a short paragraph about their next vacation.

  21. By the end of the lesson, SWBAT describe their family's personality and appearance in a pair work activity.

    - Warm up (Say and adjective with the first letter of their names).
    - Brainstorm grammar and vocabulary about the topic.
    - Categorize vocabulary about appearence.
    - Match pictures with sentences.
    - Say sentences about their family's personality and appearance and point pictures.
    - Describe their family's personality and appearance in pictures in pairs.

  22. By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
    write one paragraph about daily routines.
    1) brainstorm to get familiar with a possible vocabulary.
    2) think in a title for the paragraph.
    3) write a draft connecting main ideas.
    4) peer proof reading focused mainly on spelling.
    5) final editing to check redundancy.
    6) share with the class by reading the paragraph.

  23. Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe and compare people's abilities.
    -Can/can't board game
    -Listen and complete sentences with can or can't
    -Interview a partner
    -Matching sentences with pictures
    - Make me say "Yes, I can" / Make me say " No, I can't"

    1. Al finalizar la clase los estudiantes de 8vo año, serán capaces de preguntar y responder acerca de la adquisición de herramientas tecnológicas necesarias para su mejor desempeño académico en el área de inglés.
      Presentación de diasexpositivas
      Dialogo sobre la presentación
      Creación de grupos
      Entrega de hojas individuales
      Formule preguntas y respuestas
      Exposición del trabajo grupal
      Corregir errores
      Describir el tema a tratarse

  24. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary about PETS

    The activities are:
    * Brainstorm with a possible vocabulary.
    * Match the words with the correct pictures and write sentences.
    * Label the picures with the correct words.
    * Listen, check, and repeat.
    * Work with a partner.
    * Ask and answer the questions (Conversation)

  25. By the end of the lesson, students are able to apply the rules for the regular verbs not only in writing English but also in oral English.
    Introduction: Past of the regular verbs, -ed rules and -ed pronunciation.
    The activities are:
    1. Teacher dictates students a list of verbs and asks them to transform the verbs into the past form, using the -ed rules.
    2. Teacher asks students to use the same list of verbs in order to classify them into their pronunciation (/d/ /ed/ /t/).
    3. Teacher gives each student a short story that contains past regular verbs, then the teacher asks the student to join with a classmate to read their stories putting in practice the pronunciation of the past of the regular verbs.
    4. Quiz. Using a recording.

  26. At the end of the class students will be able to do a vocabulary about mechanical tools, mechanical equipment, precision tools used in automotive mechanics.
    The teacher should deliver a sheet printed with a triangle so that the student can form a pyramid of the different tools with their respective names

  27. By the end of the lesson, SWBAT use the verb be to make sentences.

    - Read the paragraph and circle every form of the verb be.
    - Complete the sentences about a student, using am, is, and are.
    - Read the chart and complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of be.
    - Tell a partner about three people you know.
    - Write at least four things about an inportant person in your life (age, occupation, nationality, appearance, or interest).

  28. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary about classroom objects.

    The activities are:
    -Match the words with the correct items
    -Listen, check and repeat
    -Look at the pictures and write the colors of the classroom objects
    -Check the items that are in you desk or your backpack. Add another item.
    -Work with a partner. Say the items in your desk or backpack and their colors. For example: (a yellow and gray book, an orange eraser.......)

  29. Eliana QuilambaquiApril 2, 2020 at 4:16 PM

    Al finalizar la lección los estudiantes serán capaces de identificar nombres de animales:
    * Identificar los nombres de los animales
    * Relacionar al hábitat en donde viven
    *Colores representativos de los animales.
    ¨* Características principales de cada uno de ellos
    *Evaluación (en una hoja colocar uno de los animales estudiantes y que los estudiantes identifiquen, los aspectos antes tratados.)

  30. Al final de la clase los estudiantes podran usar el vocabulario relacionado a diferentes alimentos. Luego, los estudiantes recibiran un yriángulo impreso en el cual deben clasificar los alimentos de acuerdo a los grupos alimenticios de granos, frutas, aceites, lacteos o carnes.

  31. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use the prepositions (at, in, on ). Days of the week, months and numbers, movie genders, to talk about a cinema schedule. - Students complete the spaces in blank in a list of months, days of the week and numbers.
    -Students make a foldable containing the rules of the use-Students write about their favorite movie integrating the new vocabulary and grammar. - Students make a partner interview about a movie. (What’s your favorite movie? When is it? What time is ...Avatar...?) of each preposition with examples integrating the previos vocabulary.

  32. At the end of the class, students will be able to use vocabulary about clothes in a conversation.
    - Match the words with the correct pictures.
    - Label the pictures with the correct words.
    - Listen, check, and repeat.
    - Work in pairs to ask questions:
    Student A: What are you wearing?
    Student B: I'm wearing........
    Student B: She's wearing

  33. For the end of the class, students can use the vocabulary about parts of the human body such as: head, nose, arm, leg, etc. to recognize every part of your body.
    Song of the human body so that they can recognize the parts of the human body.
    Worksheets for them to write the human body parts.
    Sheets to cut out and put the parts of the human body in their correct place

  34. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary about ocupations.

    The activities are:
    -Listen, check and repeat
    -Look at the pictures and write the ocupations names
    -Main characteristics of each of them.
    - place where each of them work.
    - Tell a partner about three ocupations that you know and and describes each one of them.

  35. 1st. BGU

  36. HILDA BEDÓN TELLOApril 2, 2020 at 7:04 PM

    By the end of the lesson my students will be able to recognize regular and irregular verbs.
    The activities are:
    - Look at the flashcards about verbs.
    - Name the verbs they can see in the flashcards.
    - Miming the verbs and the rest of the class try to guess what verb it is.
    - Write a sentence in Present Simple using the verbs mentioned before.
    - Explain the rules to form verbs in Past tense.
    - Classify the verbs which have to add "ed" when they change into past tense.
    - Change the irregular verbs to the past.
    - Read each verb.
    - Read the sentences and recognize the verb and its form in past tense.

  37. At the end of the lesson students will be able to do:
    - Read an article about places for shopping.
    - matcht the pictures with the places
    - Complete the sentences with the correct numbers
    . Talk in pairs about places to shop.

  38. By the end of the lessons students are be able to to use the new vocabulary about wild animals to describe them.
    - Classify in the correct order the animals.
    - Work in pairs describing their favorite wild animal.
    - Label the picture with the correct animal.
    - Listen and guess the sound of the animals.

  39. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary about food:
    -Match the pictures with the words
    -Listen and repeat
    - Find someone who
    -In pairs describe their favorite food.

  40. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary about SPORTS
    * Match the picture with correct picture
    * Select a type sport and describe it
    * Work in pair and prepare a dialogue about sport
    * Organize a collage about my favorite sport.

  41. At the end of the lesson students will be able to talk healthy and unhealthy habits.
    brainstorm common habits in teenagers
    Look some flash cards about healthy and unhealthy habits
    In small groups match pictures with correct habits
    Classify habits

  42. daily routines
    -students will be able to describes the activities
    -According pictures describes the orden of the daily routines
    -Work in pairs to interchange information

  43. By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
    write sentences and identify their free time activities.

    1) brainstorm about interesting hoobies.
    2) think in their likes.
    3) write a draft making a list with their favorite hobbies
    4) Teacher will give a some pictures with free time activities and they identify them
    5) Ask your classmates" What do you like to do in your free time?"
    5) share with the class your real hobbies.

  44. At the end of the lesson the students could be able to talk about differents activities for example: write a short parragrap about clothes and fashon. Vocabulary,work in pairs,share ideas.

  45. The objective is Identify the means of transport in English
    The activities are:
    1. Look at the picture and write the means of transport
    2. Identify the means of transport and speak in the class
    3. Write on a sheet of paper the names of the means of transport identified in your place of residence
    4. Listen and complete the means of transport
    5. work in a group, exchange cards and find the correct means of transport

  46. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
    Use vocabulary related to places in a town.
    Recognize the places in a map.
    Ask and answer questions about where some places are located.

  47. Hello,
    Talking: Also student can make their own converstion about more family members.


  48. By the end of the class students will be able to use SIMPLE PAST STRUCTURE.
    - Matching verbs with pictures.
    - Completing sentences using these pictures.
    - Finding someone who did these activities yesterday.
    - Role playing the situations.

  49. By the end of the class, students will use specific regular and irregular verbs in simple past tense.
    They are going to create some affirmatives or negative sentences using simple past tense base on a speficic topic like: the last carnival and students are going to work in groups of three students in this activity.
    Finally, pupils are going to write their own paragraph about their last carnival in order to demonstrate what they have learned about simple past tense

  50. By the end of the lesson students are able to use vocabulary about means of transportation.
    The activities are:
    - Describe what kind if means of transportantion do we have...
    - Describe how students go ( means of transportation) to school
    - Dialogue with classmates to learn about the types of means of transportation
    - Give examples of means of transportation

  51. By the end of the class, the learners will be able talk about some inventors and their inventions.
    -give accounts of past events.
    -comment about actual inventions and inventor.
    -ask for and give infomation about the past with their corresponding characters.
    -use the useful expressions of the past.

  52. Here Maydi Hermosa

    At the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about food and its group classification


    -Teacher draws the food pyramid on the board dividing it for the six food groups.
    -Students work in groups. A volunteer of each group is given pictures of food. The student passes to the board and put the pictures on the group that correspond.
    -The class practices pronunciation at the time memorize new vocabulary and its classification
    -In smaller groups students are give a worksheet to complete sentences.
    -In pairs students write five sentences about their favorite dishes.
    -Finally they talk about their food likes and dislikes sharing personal information.

  53. Objective: Students will be able to use demonstrative adjectives with classroom objects.
    -Picture dictionary (classroom objects)
    -Use demonstrative adjectives giving examples
    -Role play in pairs
    -Do an information gap

  54. SWBAT: use"used to" TO: talk about childhood memories in a tv interview.
    Show pics about teacher's childhood memories
    Chart structure
    Matching pictures(worksheets)
    Chain questions and answers
    Draw two childhood meories
    Improvising a tv interview

  55. At the end of the lesoon, students will be able to talk about their childhood.
    I show many flash cards with activities as jump a rope, ride a bike, eat ice cream, play with dolls, play soccer, wear dress, play with marbles, play with mud, etc.. so learners make a brainstorming with some activities that they remember.
    Students work in pairs and talk about their favorite activities qhen they were a child
    They read an article about Shakira's childhood and underline the phrase used to.
    Teacher explains the "used to" use".
    Students write a paragraph about their childhood and present in front of the class.

  56. By the end of the lesson the students will be able to give directions for go somewhere.
    - Introduce imperatives: turn left, turn right, go straight, walk (1, 2... blocks), etc
    - Play charades with imperatives in small groups
    - Practice in pairs "how can I get to..." with real directions of your city.
    - Each group draw a real map and give and receive instructions from others groups to get to a place.

  57. Objective: Ss will be able to use countries and nationalities to introduce other people.
    * Introduce countries and nationalities using flags
    *Match countries and nationalities
    *Looking for your pair (half class have cards of countries and the other one have cards of nationalities)
    *Work in pairs distribute flags the Ss answer the question Where she/he from? She/he from.... and vice versa.
    Finally: the Ss introduce any peer. He is Pedro, he is from Canada, He is Canadian.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Objective:By the end of the lesson students will be able to compare people, places, animals and things taking into account the different rules for each adjective given.
    *Completing ( use the correct form of the comparative adjective)
    *Information gap activity
    *Comparing pictures (people, places, animals, things) in pairs.
    *Making comparisons using own ideas or examples.

  60. The students will be able to speak about the personalities, express feelings and emotions.

  61. By the end of the lesson, students will use the verb to be to make sentences.

    - Read the paragraph and circle every form of the verb to be.
    - Identify what are the usage of the verb to be (origen, age, location, occupation, nationality, appearance, feeling, emotions) its formulation in the paragraph.
    - Complete the sentences about three students, using to be verb in singular and plural form (am, is, and are).
    - Read the chart and complete the sentences with the correct form of to be verb.
    - Talk to a partner about three people you know.
    - Write at least four things about an important person in your life (origen, age, location,occupation, nationality,appereance, feeling, emotions, appearance).

  62. At the end of the lesson. Students will be able to talk about fruits and vegetables
    1. Circle the fruits and vegetables in the paragraph
    2. Work in pairs and classify them in food groups.
    3. Practice in groups a dialogue to talk about likes and dislikes.
    4. Create a short video talking about the characteristics of their favorite fruit an vegetables to present in class.

  63. Al final de la lección, los estudiantes serán capaces de usar las palabras abuelos, padres, hermanos, tíos y primos.
    Actividad 1: En parejas ae pregubtarán como se dicen lad palabras dn estudio.
    Actividad 2: En parejas dibujarán el árbol genealógico de si compañero.
    Actividad 3: se preguntarán lis nombres de su núcleo familiar.

  64. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the vocabulary from the movies. (movie genres: horror, comedy, drama, action, romance).
    What is your favorite movie genre?
    What is the name of your favorite movie?
    Describe your favorite movie
    Discuss with your classmates about the genres of the movies.

  65. By the end of this lesson Ss. Will be able to talk about healthy lifestyle.
    1. Introduce vocabulary about injuries.
    2. Introduce idioms relate to health.
    3. Match the Image with the injury.
    4. In pair Ss discuss about their injuries, when they were children.
    5. Some Ss say their experiences, and the class establishes a % of the most common injuries.

  66. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the vocabulary about Sports and Games.
    • Match the words with their pictures.
    • Listen to the text and fill in the table.
    • Match the questions with the answers
    • Answer the questions about yourself.
    • Make a list of 5 things you couldn’t do when you were little, and you can now.
    • Interview two classmates about 5 different sports/ activities. Use can/ could/
    can’t/ couldn’t.

  67. By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe healthy and unhealthy habits.
    -Match pictures with habits.
    -Underline healthy habits and circle the unhealthy habits.
    -Share answers with a partner.
    -In pairs students talk about their healthy and unhealthy habits.
    -Write 5 sentences related to their healthy and unhealthy habits.


  68. Al término de la lección, los estudiantes podrán utilizar vocabulario como " playa, navidad, año nuevo, frio, caliente, lluvioso, etc", para:
    - Identificar y describe lugares y clima para sus vacaciones.
    - Describir sus últimas vacaciones en un diálogo corto.
    - Comparar y hablar acerca de sus últimas vacaciones.

  69. At the end of the lesson they will be able to discuss future plans.
    * Show pictures about vacation plans, describe pictures
    * use them in future sentences
    * write a short paragraph about your next vacation.
    and they also use it in daily prayers. or also when forming or reading a paragraph.

  70. By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe their family members.
    *Explain their habits
    *Talk about their personalities
    *Talk about their jobs
    *Write a paragraph about their families

  71. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for and give information about past events.
    In a worksheet:
    * Students circle the information questions from the interview.
    *Students write the information questions according to the answers putting attention some details.
    *Working with a partner, ask and answer questions about your past events.

  72. The planing triangle is a good way more easy and work with student. So at the end of the lesson students will enable to practice in small group or in pair.
    Describe the food
    Classify according categories
    Match picture with food
    Practice a conversation
    Write favorite food about their family

  73. At the end of the class my students will be able to:
    * identify future with will in reading context
    * use will in sentences
    * talk with a classmate about future.

    By the end of the lesson the students would be about to know what is
    - Plant
    - importance of plants
    - the uses of plants
    - types of plants
    - edidble and non edible plans

  75. At the end of class students will be able to use this specific vocabulary about the appropriate clothes according the weather and talk about the clothes style that they wear when they go in a party, beach, shop, etc. In simple presenta sentences.

  76. By the end of the class students will be able to describe orally how to plant a tree using commands.

    Prior knowledge: Students already study some verbs, and connections words in order to show transition from one step to another one.


    - Activating prior knowledge by asking them some questions related to verbs. Students have to match pictures with verbs in agriculture context.
    -Provide students a template with the new and target verbs and what function do they mean.
    _Students with watch some videos or pictures in order to visualize what all the verbs mean represent in the contextualized meaning, including some words connections.
    -Conduct a listening activity in which students identify the vocabulary and do some conversational practices.
    -Students will show by using realia how to plant a tree outside their classrooms, in their backyard of the school.

  77. At the end of my class, students will be able to use vocabulary about hobbies and proper clothing to practice them.
    The activities are the following......
    -Describe what you prefer to do in your free time
    -Describe what kind of clothing is necessary to practice different activities in your free time.
    -Dialogue with classmates about different hobbies and likes and dislikes about wearing appropiate clothing to practice different activities in their free time.
    -Give examples of proper clothing to practice different hobbies.

  78. Hi everybody, in this time I will use triangle to teach Adverbs of Frequency.
    Objective: At the end of the lesson SWBAT use adverbs of frequency to describe daily routines, by using adverbs of frequency Often, Sometimes, Always, Usually, Rarely and Never.

    First, answer the question: How often do you practice soccer? (5')
    Second, in pairs: ask and respond the question: How often do you read an English book?
    use different adverbs of frequency. (7')
    Third, Make a survey around the classroom asking the question. (10')
    Fourth, Tell the classroom how often they read an English book.
    Finally, in groups of 4 make a discussion about daily routines use adverbs of frequency.

  79. By the end of the lesson, SWBAT:
    Use: How you travel: by bike, by train, by car, by bus, on foot, on the subway.
    To: refer ways they use to travel
    In: a role play where students dramatize according to the vocabulary, then they must explain
    -Charades with a person in front
    -Explain the vocabulary
    -Use a word and explain where do they want to go with
    -Look for information about the place and make a intinerary
    -Dramatize the vocabulary

  80. At the end of the class students will be able to say their favorite hobby.
    The activides are:
    _ Tell what your favorite hobby
    _ Do a rolelay with their classmates about their hobbies and say what they like and don't like to do giving examples.

  81. At the end of the class, students will be able to talk about future decisions
    *Look at some pictures with sentences using will.
    * Read a shor text and underline the word before the verb.
    * fill in the gaps with will or won't
    Write 2 sentences about a spontaneous decision
    Say the sentences to the class

  82. At the end of the lesson students will be able to use adverbs of frequency to describe routines
    • Brainstorming about routines at home
    • Share with a friend about his/her routine
    • Work in small groups and tell about routines by using adverbs of frequency
    • Present the work to the rest of the class

  83. At the end of the class, students will be able to practice the new vocabulary through a small conversation in pairs. Besides practice the grammar in a way more easy.

  84. Laura Tapia. At the end of this lesson students will be able talk about healthy food. Brainstoming about what is your favorite food? Classify healthy food and junk food. Match the words with pictures . Write and draw what do you eat breakfast,lunch and dinner Work in pairs asking healthy food. Make a recipe fruit salad using learned vocabulary.

  85. At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe their daily routines.
    - Brainstorming in small gruops
    - Machin the pictures with words
    - Completin the sentences
    -Find someone who...
    -Information gab

  86. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to talk about abilities using the modal auxiliar CAN.
    Tell the teacher what activities the can do.
    Complete sentences in the book with CAN or CAN'T
    Interview a friend about abilieties
    Ask me questions using CAN
    Giving short answers: yes, I can. No, I can't.

  87. At the end of the lesson students are able to identify common clothing types in order to talk about them.

    1.- Match the names of clothing with the pictures
    2.-Organize them according the types in a chart (sport, formal,informal, casual)
    3.-Describe their personal clothing
    4.- write about them.

  88. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary about MY FAVORITE SEASON
    * Unscramble the sentences.
    * Write the missing letters.
    * Work in pair according to the images and number the sentences.
    * Dialogue in pairs:
    Student A:What`s your favorite season?
    Student B:My favorite season is ………

  89. Ay the end of the lesson students will be able to use prepositions of place.
    Work in groups of 4 to acting out the prepositions. Take turns
    Asking and answering question in the same groups. (Where is Juan? He is between Carlos and Luis.
    Draw a map of your town with the main places. Ask students to role play a conversation, pointing the map.
    Finally ask students to yo solve a Word search puzzle chosing the prepositions of place.

  90. By the end of the lesson students will be able to give personal information about professions.
    * Learn some words about professions.
    * Join the professions with some pictures.
    * Introduce your family using the professions in sentences and share it to the class.

  91. At the end of the lesson students Will be able to work in groups and talk to each other about food.

  92. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to ask and answer questions in pairs.
    - I deliver the students a short story in present tense.
    -They underline each main verb in each sentence.
    -They write the story in their notebooks.
    -They also underline the new vocabulary.
    -They change the story into past tense.
    -They take each sentence and turn it into conversation.
    At the end, they talk in pairs.

  93. at the end of the class the student forms his own project of the unit lesson

  94. Al final, los estudiantes aumentarán en su vocabulario las preposiciones of place, con ejemplos ,en un mapa indicando una dirección exacta o como indicar donde se encuentra algún objeto

  95. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use vocabulary about Pets:
    - The students draw your
    pet and paste around the classroom.
    - The teacher asks:
    What kind of animals are they?
    - Labeling the draws while the students repeat the
    - The teacher says the animal and the students make the sound.
    - Project: “My pets book”

  96. To the final lesson the studenys wil be able to identify the and describe the healthy and junk food and use the vocabulary when they want something in their homes.
    -Ask to every student about the healthy and junk food with a image.
    _ write the name and to every one and pronounce .
    _ classify the food
    _ proyect...make a list all of the things that they have in their kitchen and say them.

  97. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about daily routines.
    1. Student match the action (daily routines) with the corresponding picture.
    2. In pairs, students order the daily routine depending on what they do first, then, etc.
    3. Ask your parner about his/ her daily routine.
    4. Write a short paragraph describing your daily routine.

  98. By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about their last vacations.
    - Students read a short paragraph.
    - Students underline the verbs.
    - Match the verbs with correct picture.
    - In pairs, students clasify regular and irregular verbs.
    - Students ask their classmates about his/her last vacations.
    - Write a paragraph about your last vacations.

  99. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to ask and answer
    yes/no questions and to give either affirmative or negative ideas in past
    tense form.
    The procedure is:
    -Show some flascards about verbs
    -Associating images to words related to the past to facilitate word recognition and retention.
    - Classify regular e irregular verbs.
    -Make short grupos to play a game about guessing the correct form of verbs in past tense.
    - Explain the structure of questions and answers of Past tense.
    - Students make sentences in past tense on the board using flascards.
    -Play Hot potato game .Students will interview a friend using past tense and flascards. Students will answer using Past tense.

  100. Students in the eighth or ninth grade class will be able to ask and answer 5 basic questions about personal information.
    -Students must learn vocabulary.
    -In the teacher through activities will evaluate how much vocabulary the student handles.
    The teacher practice pronunciation.
    -Teacher will give a small dynamic with images where the students will have to answer in English the name of each image.

  101. During the class and the end of class the students enjoy to practice all these activities and it helps them to increase and remember new information

  102. At the end of the lesson, students could be able to talk about movies.
    * Match the picture with its genre.
    * Join with a line the movie's genre according to its description.
    *Talk about the movie's genre, they prefer to watch.

  103. By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
    Identify vocabulary related to Environment
    label the picture
    complete the definitions by using the vocabulary given in advance.
    make a collage about Healthy Environment
    use the Passive Voice.
    in small groups discuss about the main envoronmental issues and what do we do to help comfront these problems.

  104. By the end of the lesson students will be able .
    - Say greet formally an informally
    - Ask and answer personal information questions.
    - Introduce some one
    - Use some idioms and colloquial expressions.
    - It is a Chinese Whisper
    - It´'s all Greek to me
    - To go Dutch
    - Whap's up ?
    - Where about ?
    - VIP
    _ See you around

  105. At the end of the lesson students are able to use the vocabulary about primary and secondary colors in a pyramid.
    . First they will brainstorm in groups
    . Each of the group will place the colors in the pyramid made by the teacher.
    The teacher will check if it is correct and give a brief explanation to the students.

  106. By the end of the lesson students will be able to: write about my family.

    Read the email and do the exercises to practise and improve your writing skills.
    Write the correct word in the boxes below the pictures.
    1. Check your understanding: gap fill
    Complete the sentences with a word from the box.
    2. Check your writing: gap fill
    Complete the sentences with a word from the box.
    3. Check your understanding: multiple choice
    Circle the best answer for these questions.
    Writing: Do you have a big family?

  107. By the end of this lesson students of third year of Bachillerato will be able to use vocabulary about: MOVIES GENRE
    With the following activities:
    - Discuss what type of movie you prefer to watch (in pairs)
    - Describe what is the best movie genre for you and Why?…..
    - Quizzing in pairs “How do you say “Science Fiction” etc)
    - Comparate what things actors have in common. (individually)

    _ Write a comment using adverbs pf frequency.
    _ Describe the activities of your partner.
    _Discuss answers between partners.
    _Make a little quiz using the adverbs of frequency.

  109. By the end of the lesson students will be able to identify count and noncount nouns.
    -To show slides with pictures of count and noncount nouns.for example salt,sugar,apples,bread,eggs,etc.
    -To talk about quantities.
    -Whole class activity.
    -Identify each picture in the row of count or noncount nouns.
    -Information gap.
    -Conclude with a small conversation about the count and noncount nouns.

  110. Objective: By the end of this lesson students will be able to ask and answer questions to identify and describe clothing.
    Working in Pairs What type of clothing is each person wearing at this time?
    Describe through a list the clothes they are wearing.
    Describe a partner so that others can guess who it is.
    Change groups and talk about the clothes that each partner has been wearing.

  111. At the end the lesson the students can be identify the fruits
    • Identify the names of fruits.
    • Colors of each fruit.
    • Relation with other object color of the classroom.
    • And region where produce (cost, highland and amazon region)
    • Evaluation paint the fruit with your color.

  112. By the end of the lesson, students will use vocabulary related to actions in order to describe activities they do everyday.
    - read a short description of a daily routine in a cartoon format.
    - play gestures
    - make a list of actions
    - share with a friend
    - organized in chronological order
    - create their own cartoon

  113. In the end of lesson, students learn to describe:
    - Present simple and continious using Wh questions.
    - Past simple and contunious using Wh questions.
    - Make afirmative and interrogative sentences with to personal pronouns, to be verb and family members.

  114. At the end of this class students will be able to say the parts of the human body
    - In pairs show to the class poin your parner the parts of the body.
    - In groups say the names of the body parts.
    - In groups say what kind of ability can people do with the parts of the body.

  115. At the end of the class, students cold be able to talk about a Leyend.

    - Match the verbs in Simple Past .
    -Classifly know words.
    - Answer the questions.
    -Finally, comment about a Leyend.

  116. By the end of the lesson class, 8th grade students will be able to introduce themselves using Simple Present tense of verb to Be and vocabulary related to personal information.

    * Show some pictures of famous people
    * Ask Ss some questions about their occupations, nationalities or descriptions.
    * Show some small dailogues using important phrases for introducing.
    * Stick or write a prompt on the board and ask Ss to practice it changing personal information.
    * Finally, ask some volunteers to show their dialogues for the rest of the class.

  117. At the end of the class the students will be able to do a vocabulary about vegetables, grains, fruits, dairy.
    The teacher will deliver a printed sheet with a table for the student to classify the different products with their respective names.

  118. At the end of the lesson students will be able to write sentences in future tense.
    1. Students write in different cardboards five verbs and the auxiliary for future.
    Ex. travel, study, walk, write, listen, will.
    2. Students use their own cardboards. In groups they form verbs in future.
    Ex. will + travel
    3. Students choose a verb and form sentences. They use for the verb selected a subject and a complement.
    Ex. I +will travel + to Miami
    4 In small groups students talk about their future plans
    5. Students write about their partners' future plans

  119. At the end of the lesson students will be able to identify the type of food in the food pyramid,
    - Watch a video about food.
    -In pairs classify food in the pyramid sticking picture or writing the word.
    - In small groups design a poster about healthy and unhealthy food eating at home.
    - Make a small conversation in pairs about food pyramid and family habits at home.
    -Tell your firends an advice how to consume the nurishment from the food pyramid.

  120. At the end of the class students will be able to talk about routines/habits.
    -Remember previos vocabulary about Action verbs.
    -Talk with a partner about their routine.
    -Pay attention to Martha's routine.
    -Write your routine.

  121. Objective: At the end of the lesson students will be able to use Simple Present Tense to talk about their daily routines.
    Topic: Simple Present Tense for talking about daily routines
    - Through pictures present daily routines.
    -Tell studesnts teachers' daily routines and write on the board some sentences then students try to discover what is the structure of the sentence.
    - In pairs matching pictures with the correct daily activity.
    - Perform information gap activities.
    -Unscramble sentences.
    -Work in groups and talk about their daily routines.

  122. Objective: At the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about weather conditions.
    Match the pictures with the vocabulary
    Ask the students to describe what is the weather like?
    In pair they are going to make a conversation about the weather in every season.
    Present the conversation to the class.

  123. By the end of the lesson, SWBAT: USE vocabulary about clothing and present progressive. TO describe what are people wearing IN a presentation of a Fashion show.
    1. Tell the instructions of What’s in my bag? And do it. Ts disappear one object.
    2. Present to the Ss posters of the different clothing, tell them with color.
    Explain the word order.

    3. Model: Match worksheet image clothing and the words.
    Monitor. Using a poster: Show the students the use of present progressive with the phrase. He is wearing……….
    I am wearing ……….

    4. T writes on board: What are you wearing? Ask to the Ss to describe themselves in pairs.
    5. Draw a microphone on the board. Tell the Ss you are in a fashion show. Divide in groups of five to be the presenters and rest should be the top models.

  124. By the end of the lesson students are able to use the vocabulary about Members Family.
    The activities are:
    * Match the pictures with the correct words
    *Identify the members Family
    *Describe the members of their family.
    *Draw your family

  125. By the end of the lesson students are able to use vocabulary about healthy and junk food
    The activities are:
    - Present the vocabulary and distinguish the healthy and junk food.
    - Give examples of healthy and junk food.
    - Share with the class what you prefer to eat in your daily diet (healthy/junk food).
    - Describe the pros and contras of healthy and junk food.
    - Divide the class in two groups, one group represents the healthy food and the other group represents the junk food. Make a debate HEALTHY VS JUNK FOOD.

  126. This lesson will enable learners to exchange information about inventors and their inventions in the past tense. The activities are:

    * Identifies general ideas and details in a listening text.
    * Make interrogative and affirmative sentences.
    * asks and answer WH questions in the past tense

  127. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify vocabulary about food. They will use the pirámid food to classify the items in order to recognize each Group.

  128. los jovenes al final de la clase seran capces de pronunciar y escribir correctamente los objetos de la clase asi como tambien las profesiones identificando ideas principales contestando preguntas y dando respuestas

  129. Hi everybody
    By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe where the things are, using some prepositions of place.

  130. By the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify and use the simple past tense in basic sentences and dialogues
    ☆ show the students, pictures about a tale
    ☆students must identify the sequence of the tale and try to fit the story
    ☆create a short tale about their lives

    ♧Find out a partner and talk about what did they do the last weekend?
    ♧Act out the dialogue

  131. At the end of the lesson students will be able to use Simple Present by describing their Daily routines.
    Activities :
    - Present to the class some flashcards about routines.
    - Create sentences using the pictures.
    - Work in pairs and talk about their Daily routines.
    - Create a collage with their daily routines.
    - Present in front of the class their Daily routines.

  132. By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about recent past events.

    Note: the students will already understand present simple, basic verbs and have a wide range of vocabulary.

    * Present to the class 5 verbs in present tense and explain how they change to past simple (positive)

    /at this point, put the students in groups of 4 and pass out worksheets for to each group/

    * Have each student write 5 verbs in present and past in his/her notebook and paste a clip art picture (from the worksheet) next to each verb.

    * Tell the students to change 10 sentences in present simple (from the worksheet) to past simple. Write the sentences in their notebooks.

    * Direct the students to look at the comic of someone's day on the worksheet and write about what they did in their day. Write 5 complete sentences in your notebook.

    * Read out loud with your classmate a conversation on the worksheet. One student has part A and the other has part B

    * Tell your classmate about what you did yesterday.

  133. Good afternoon everybody,
    Considering the activity number five, this is my triangle plan.
    Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the vocabulary related to healthy and unhealthy habits.
    1. Revise and memorize the next vocabulary: drinking water, sleeping well, being active, having a healthy diet, doing exercise, getting drunk, feeling stressed, eating fatty foods, smoking, being sedentary. In general, these words are easy to deduce and to learn, the most important is the correct pronunciation which will be practiced using the “Drilling technique” which will be provided by the teacher or through CD audio.
    2. On the board the students have to classify the vocabulary into categories to remember it better; for example, being active is deeply related to HEALTHY HABITS, and getting drunk is related to UNHEALTHY HABITS.

    3. The teacher will give the students a worksheet where they will have to look carefully at the pictures about different people developing healthy and unhealthy habits. Then, they will develop short sentences considering the different context of the pictures.

    4. Finally, the students will make a conversation about healthy and unhealthy habits. For example:

    How many times do you make exercise at the week?
    How many glasses of water do you drink per day?

    These activities will help the students to be focused in the learning of vocabulary; in turn, they will develop the listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.

  134. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and using the vocabulary related to inventors and their inventions
    • Warm up (Questioning.- Do you know any inventor?
    • showed them some pictures about inventors
    • Talk about some imagens related to inventions
    • Find someone who invented penicillin?.. who invented……….? etc.
    • Match the inventor and his inventions.
    • Partner interview .-Ask and answer about the inventors and their inventions
    • Describe the most important ineventor.

  135. At the end of the class, students will be able to use vocabulary about "Disease" in sentences
    - Present to the class some flashcards about Disease (Cough,fever, flu...)
    - Read the vocabulary (two students each row)
    - Create sentences using the pictures.
    - Work in pairs and talk about their disease.
    - Ask and answer using the vocabulary.

  136. At the end of this class students will be able to give directions using prepositions.
    - Introduce vocabulary of prepossitions
    - Look for the vocabulary of prepossitions in a sopa de letras
    - Talk about where is the students' house.
    - Ask your partner where is his/her house.
    - Show a map and ask each other where is… the library, the hospital, the pólice station…?

  137. At the end of the class,students will be able to use vocabulary about activities people can do
    - Presen a flashcard with different activities
    - Create sentences using the flashcards
    - Make sentences about what can you do in the class

  138. By the end of the class the Ss will be able to use vocabulary related with the school life for example bullying,being rude,cheating,being punctual etc.
    * To describe their school life in a short conversation.
    * Read the phrases related to school lufe, then circle the correct answers
    * Put the phrases in the correct categories.
    * Work with a patner. Ask and answer the questions.

  139. Objective: This lesson will enable students to use idioms to communicate environmental issues.

    Activities: Have students:
    - Read the dialog paying special attention in the idioms.
    - Match the idioms with their meanings.
    - Complete the line with your own information using idioms.

    Group activity:
    - Tell your peer about an environmental problem in your community using idioms.

  140. At the end of the lesson students could be able to talk about new vocabulary such as: food, colors, greetings etc.


  141. At the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about people life styles,
    Some flash cards will be showed in order they talk about inspirational people from the past and today.
    They will ask and give some information about goals, obstacles, and achievements.
    describe inspirational people's lifestyles
    they will in pairs will interchange about persons experiences
    They will use vocabulary on the board related to teen's lifestyles and verbs related to starting, continuing and finishing.
    and in groups they will create a web profile and make a visual presentation of a inspirational person.

  142. I agree with you some students can speak english but they can't write. They need help

  143. By the end of the lesson SWABT: use information questions with BE to exchange personal information in a TV contest.

    -Start an informal conversation with students using the information questions.
    - Match the information question with the answer
    -Interview a near partner using the questions from the previous exercise
    - Do an information gap activity (A-B) in a two column shape.
    - Do a TV show to find who ask more questions in a minute.

  144. At the end of the class students will be able to use adjectives SOCIABLE , SENSIBLE, CURIOUS, COOPERATIVE and how to descrbe the character and personality traits.
    Are you curious?
    Yes, I am/ No, I'm not.
    Describe student by student ( work in pairs using question/answer)
    Pay attention the prefixes : UNpredictable ( NOT PREDICTABLE)

  145. Class: Seventh Year of Basic Education

    Objective: To know about others cultures and traditions as treasures.

    Look some pictures about the topic and try to discribe it using short sentences.
    Find in the dictionary unknow words.
    Read a text about culture and traditions as treasure.
    Finally, answer some questions about it in pairs.

  146. By the end of the lesson students will be able: talk about situations that happened before other event.

    - Share with the class what is something happened at home before you arrived from school yesterday.
    - Underline some Past Perfect sentences in the text.
    -Use after/before to create two sentences.
    - Write two questions for your classmate using Past Perfect Tense
    - Use the questions to interview a classmate.
    - Interview a classmate using the questions the student wrote in the previous activity.

  147. By theend of the class students will be tousing new vocabulary in short story, practice the writing and speaking, writesentences,descrbing a trip or past vacations.

  148. To work with this tool - triangle- it seems it's easier to develop a planning class, but what happen when authorities from Districs o high schools ask you to follow the traditional model plann ?

  149. By the end of the class students will be able to use future WILL and GOING TO as in the speaking and writing skill.

    - Tell us your future plans in 20 words
    -Write a short paragraph of your partner's future plans
    -Develop a conversation in groups of three about your planns at the end of the class

  150. At the end of this lesson the students are going to be able to describe their favorite kind of music. How to say correctly the genres, names and know the meaning of idioms in the lyrics.
    1. Listen a popular song
    2. Discuss with a partner about the rythm, unknown words and their likes
    3. Present their ideas introducing and linking their favorite song.

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. By the end of the class students can be able to say their daily routines.

    1. List of things that people do on everyday routine (vocabulary)
    2. Make a history of a Mom routine day after children going the schools.
    3. Ask your classmate what he/she do every monday.
    4. Students say their daily routines.

  153. By the end of the lesson the students would be able to:
    read and write name of a specific food
    Discuss in pairs about a receip
    Explain the process how the food is prepared
    share more ideas on how different kinds of food are prepared in different countries.

  154. As an example to apply the triangle within the activities for each lesson, you can cite as an example friendly vocabulary and generate various sequences such as conjugating.

    - Which is your best friend? simple answer
    -How do you describe your friend? various answers
    -What activity do you share with your friend? conversation created

  155. Objective. Ss will be able to talk about interests, preferences and lifestyles.

    * Ss identify AAdjectives related to the topic (vocabulary)
    * Ss complete basic sentences using adjectives
    * Ss discuss in pairs about his/her own interests, preferences and lifestyle.
    * Ss present a short description of the topic in a writing activity ( 50 - 70 words)

  156. Objective: At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to describe their favorite books
    - Ss identify adjectives using flashcards
    - Using a mind map Ss must describe their favorite books
    - Through an oral presentation Ss have to tell about their favorite book ( they will be assessed using a rubric)

  157. At the end of the class, students will be able to talk about activities and places visited while holidays.
    -Pairwork: think of a tourist place that you consider worth visiting.
    -State the value and benefits of the tourist place by describing the landscapes, transport, activities, food, and cost.
    -Share and compare with your classmate the places you consider worth visiting.
    -Write a short paragraph about this place using words related to holiday destinations, typical food, and attractions.

  158. By the end of the lesson students are able to use adjective to describe movies
    The activities are:
    - Talk about your favorite movies.
    - Guess what is the adjective to describe a movie...
    - Dialogue with classmates about what movies do you like or not .....
    - Give examples of movie genders..........

  159. Los estudiantes de la lección podran utilizar el vocabulario relacionado con las frutas con el fin de explicar el uso de ellos en una receta básica.
    Como se dice "naranja"
    Mostrar gráficos a los estudiantes con el fin de reconocer y se nombran los frutos.
    Describir los pasos y las cantidades para preparar una ensalada de frutas de la forma correcta

  160. The class begins with a vocabulary for students that attracts attention, such as trends such as technology, clothing, videos, makeup, among others. Then you should use those words to describe what you would like to try in the future or to choose an option and start describing.

  161. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary related to fruits and vegetables
    - listen to instructions
    - Identify the fruits and vegetables through cards
    -Match the words with the pictures corresponding
    - Classify according to the group
    - Check and repeat

  162. OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lessons students will able to use vocabulary about parts of the house.

    - Flashcards about the parts of the house.
    - Identify and put the name of the parts of the house.
    - Talk to your partner about each other's house.
    - Write a short description of his/her house.

  163. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to share the food they had after each meals.
    -Give the students a vocabulary with the food they may eat.
    -Teach them how to classify according to the meal.
    -Ask them to identify the healthy and unhealthy food.
    Ask them to make a healthy recipe

  164. At the end of the lesson students will be able to recognize vocabulary about food so that can talk about different groups of food and their favorite food:
    1. Ask some questions: What is your favorite food?? Do you like vegetables? Do you like an ice cream? Etc
    2. Make a crosword about vocabulary. Rice, broccoli, onions, candies, rice, etc.
    3. Present some flashcards about food ask for students to identify what type of food is. Protein, fruit etc.
    4. Work in pairs, students ask and answer questions about favorite food. What is yor favorite food?? Do you like....???
    5. Work individually draw favoritw food and write the name.

  165. At the end of the lesson the students could be able to practice more vocabulary about the climates and practice their pronunciation.

  166. Objective: At the end of the lesson students will be able to use clues in the context in order to improve reading comprehension.
    - Read the text quickly to answer the questions.
    - Look at the text and match the words in bold with the corresponding definitions.
    - Read the text below and identify the heading for each section of the contents.
    - Read again more carefully and answer the questions.
    - Read again and decide where to put these
    - sentences(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

  167. Al final de la clase los estudiantes serán capaces de identificar el vocabulario relacionado al Deporte
    - Relacionar el gráfico con el tipo de deporte al que corresponde
    - Ordenar el deporte por gustos y preferencias para recordar el vocabulario
    - En parejas realizar un diálogo de preguntas y respuestas ejemplo:
    ¨Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
    Que deporte practicas?

  168. By the end of the lesson students will be able to recognize and use vocabulary related to clothes.
    The activities are:
    Quizzing in pairs ("How do you say gloves?")
    -Practice the new vocabulary in singular and plural.
    -Describe what people are wearing
    -Complete short descriptions.
    -Write sentences in present progressive with the vocabulary.

  169. By the end of the lesson students will be able use can or can't
    the activities are
    - identify the picture and relate with them
    -organize the different pictures of can or can't
    -talk with your friend about of them
    - ask that can do your friend and you
    - describe your habilities ussing can or can't

  170. AIM: At the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write an email to his/her friend to invite to do physical training.

    - Watch a short video about physical training.
    - Identify the different kind of physical exercises.
    - Analice the meaning of vocabulary.
    - Wh question about your favorite physical routine.
    - Quizzing in pair about your daily physical exercise routine.

  171. Aims
    To practise speaking skills
    To predict content from a headline
    To develop summarising skills.
    Give learners the worksheet and ask them to discuss the questions in activity A.
    Learners work in groups to think of advantages and disadvantages of the four media
    sources and write their ideas on the worksheet (activity B).
    Ask learners to work in pairs and choose (or assign them) one of the headlines in
    activity C to guess or invent the story for. Encourage the learners to use their
    imaginations and to make up a story.
    Learners work individually and choose an article that they find interesting, either in
    the newspapers you have brought in or by browsing news sites on their devices.
    Ask learners to read and talk about the quotes in activity E in small groups. They
    should say if they agree or disagree and why, and make sure they find out other
    people’s opinions too.
    Ask your learners if they would like to be journalists. Why/why not? Who would they
    like to interview if they were a journalist for a day?

  172. By the end of the lesson students are able to develop listening activity through song.
    The activities are:
    Listen to the song gues what kind of song is it?
    Listen and complete in the gaps.
    Organize the lyrics.
    Raise his/her hand when he/she listens regular verbs.
    Talk about song.

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
    Talk about the activities performed in Cuenca's festivals on Christmas Eve by using present perfect tense in context
    Watch a video about the Cuenca's festivals.
    Work in pairs interviewing with a classmate about their experience with ecuadorian celebrations.
    Make an interview inquiry about the topic in small group each one writing an interview, changing the questions among all groups
    Write the answers to give the other group whom the inquiry belongs
    Finally each group read aloud the correct questions and correct checked answers

  175. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to do:
    Classify the adjectives in the correct colum (personality and Physical traits).
    Roleplay .
    Conversation in small group using de adjectives
    Describe the classmate.

  176. OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lesson students will be able to present a real recipe.
    VOCABULARY: Teacher presents isolated words (pictures) related with food and cooking verbs.
    1. ACTIVITY: From a list of some food, students have to select on the right what of those items they like, and on the left they have to write what they don't.
    2. ACTIVITY: Students talk with their partners about what are they favorite dishes, in this part students have to talk more in detail, naming some ingredients that their dishes have.
    3. ACTIVITY: For the end of this part, students have to present a real recipe in group. Each one has to be in charge of some task for the recipe. They have to use the vocabulary that is used in the kitchen (the teacher was using these words throug all the lesson).
    I have done this in my class, and it is fantastic and awesome to see how the male students make their best to show how they cook. Even one of my students told me " teacher, I have never cooked before, now I know how to make chicken and rice". They learn a lot doing this activity as they have fun as well.

  177. By the end of the lesson, students will know vocabulary "Countries, nationalities and professions.
    Describe what country are certain football characters with their respective nationality
    -Quizzing in pairs ("WHERE IS MESSI FROM?")
    -Describe the CHARACTER for a classmate to draw THE COLOR OF THE FLAG OF THE CHARACTER'S COUNTRY
    -Convert small groups of your favorite characters

  178. At the end of the students will be able to use the preposición of places in sentences and giving directions:
    Know the meaning
    How to use it in sentences
    Give the directions
    Point places
    They can work in small Groups and give directions
    Work alone and give instructions to get some place.
    Finally the students cab be able to learn more vocabulary

  179. By the end of the lesson students are able to use vocabulary about meals.
    The activities are:
    - Recognize food names. what's your favourite food?
    - Explain the three meals in the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
    - In group dialogue what kinds of food the have for breakfast, luch.
    - Present pair dialogues in front of the class, each ask to the other about their meals.

  180. At the of a lesson students will be able to use vocabuly about places in a town and combine them with preposition of places to provide information about addresses.
    -Explain them the kind of prepositions they should use, especially (in-on-at)
    -Remind then the names of the most known and visited places in a town.
    -Ask sudents choose three partnerts to perform a sketch in which they will help two foreign people to get to a specific place.
    - Act the sketch in front of the class.

  181. At the end of this lesson students will be able to describe words related with fantasy.

    1. Students are going to make a vocabulary quilt that consists of a paper folded in a half three times in order to have 8 squares where they will copy the words.
    2. Students are going to observe some flashcards with the following words: a fairy, a castle, a giant, a magical tree, a knight, a prince, princess, a dragon.
    3. Then, the students will copy the words in each square of the vocabulary quilt and they will brainstorm about each word. At this point they try to identify the words, so, they can write simple words or simple ideas that they have about those words or they can draw something that they can relate with the new vocabulary.
    4. After that, they will be joined in groups and they will share the ideas that they wrote or they can describe the pictures that did in the paper about each word.
    5. In groups the will look for the definitions of each word and copy on the paper.
    6. Then, a member of a group will read the definitions to the class in order to understand and learn the new vocabulary.
    7. Finally, the students will write a sentence or phrase with each word and present orally to the whole class.

  182. At the end of the lesson, the students could identify groups of regular verbs and irregular verbs, match pictures according to the verb, classify verbs in regular or irregular
    complete sentences.

  183. At the end of the class, students will be able to recognize and use technology collocations to talk about social networks.
    Watch a video and get students talking by using questions- answers strategy.
    Ask them to join in pairs and make an infographic about social networks by using technology collocations.
    Ask them to present their infographic to the whole class.

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  185. Level: Begginers
    Course: 5 th
    At the end of the class students are be able to use vocabulary about musical instruments.
    1. Activity: Listen the musical instruments names and repeat after the teacher
    2. activity:.Recognaze the musical instrument ( Look at the pictures and write the
    musical instrument names.)
    3. Activity: Math the picture with the correct name.
    4. Activity: Write the missing letter to complete the word.
    5. Activity: Work in pairs and ask your partner:
    Question: What do you do in musical class?
    Answer: I play .....
    I listen.......

  186. By the end of the lesson, SWBAT: use adverbs of frequency plus simple present
    to ask and give information about daily activities
    in a pair improvising survey.

    1.Write and ask “how often do you swim?”
    2. T write on the board I ALWAYS SWIM and present the topic.
    3. Paste support material related to adverbs of frequency and percentages.
    4. T shows percentages and Ss says the adverbs 0 % ….never and so on.
    5. Then T asks two students how often do you play soccer? How often do you cook? And another activity.
    6.Pair work- worksheet one students have some questions and the other just has the percentages.
    7.Pair activity: T models how often do you…..? and the student must remember the adverbs of frequency to give an answer. Then change roles
    8.Write a survey for a partner. T models how to do it. ( 5 questions)

  187. At the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary related to healty food in order to use of them in a simple recipe.
    They recognize the name of fruits and vegetables from flashcards.
    They describe the steps to follow in a recipe and use quantities to prepare a delicious food.

  188. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
    USE “Wh-Questions" in simple past
    TO talk about childhood memories
    IN a television interview.
    -Ask students Wh-questions using picture cards about childhood memories of some famous people.
    -Explain the grammar structure of a Wh-question in simple past.
    -Unscramble the Wh-questions.
    -Write Wh-questions for the following answers.
    -Chain questions and answers in groups.
    -Talk about their childhood memories using Wh-questions in pairs.
    -Improvising a television interview in groups.

  189. By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about themselves.
    .Small group class discussing.

    .Acting out.


    .Questinos & Answers.

  190. My name is Luis Parrales it is because I sent my plan and it said UNKNOWN

  191. Order the ideas.
    The teacher have to planing before that you inprovise the class.
    This activities help you. Because you can make a good work.

  192. At the end of this new lesson students will be able to describe their daily routines using actions verbs.
    Practice in partners some pictures of actions verbs.
    Order de sentences
    Draw in order. What activities do you do every day?
    Finally, write about your daily routine

  193. The objective of the lesson was to learn comoaratives and superlatives. Fisrt, I explain the topic. Then, the do excercises with me and finally we played thats true but

  194. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use sports vocabulary to talk about their favorite sport.
    Activities :
    Pictionary in small groups.
    Quizzing each other.
    Matching sentences with pictures.
    Find someone who...
    Make a short presentation about their favorite sport.

  195. By the end of th claa students will be able to talk about food and quuantifiers adjectives to describe a recipe.. Activities. 1. Draw a food pyramid in your notebook. 2. Work in Pair, and according the quuantifiers adjectives try to locate in your food pyramid and speak in the class.. 3. For groups of 5 students, think in a recipe and try to write de ingredientes and the procesos of recipe. Every student should show the final results in a póster. 4 Every group show and speak the results of new recipe.


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